Backgammon By Paul Magriel Pdf Merge
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Backgammon - Paul Magriel. Home; Documents; Backgammon - Paul Magriel.
CS class files 1977-92 [needs review for grades, names, etc.]
CS class files 1985-94 [needs review for grades, names, etc.]
File titled 'Rivest research' includes correspondence with Ronald Rivest 1970s
Backgammon by Paul Magriel. Email English by Paul Emmerson.pdf. Monsieur Teste by Paul Valery. Paul Valery's novel Monsieur Teste. Email English by Paul Emmerson.pdf. FTR Article by Les Paul. Email English by Paul Emmerson.pdf. The Haunting of Paul Voodini by Paul Voodini. Oops balaguruswamy pdf very tactical level, the reasoning behind paul magriel backgammon pdf really helps me see the big picture when I play now. There are a couple of chapters on doubling, but a systematic exposition of the subject, in pau, style of the rest of the book, would have made the book even more valuable than it already is.'
CS class files containing handouts, problems, assignments, etc, 1980s
Correspondence with Donald Knuth 1964
CS class files containing handouts, problems, assignments, etc, 1980s-1990/91
Several files of text on Chiron language 1970s
Several files of text for chapters in Language of Machines, 1991
File with one miscellaneous letter
Subject files containing papers by Floyd and others, research work, lectures, etc.
Subject files containing papers by Floyd and others, research work, lectures, etc.
Course files
Backgammon By Paul Magriel
Subject files
Course files
Correspondence, including some re his book Language of Machines
Floyd's reprints, by title A – CA, including some notes, correspondence, and typescripts
Floyd's reprints, by title CL – V, including some notes, correspondence, and typescripts
Four folders of loose materials, to be sorted
Correspondence files A – E, 1968-1993
Correspondence files F – Z, 1968-1993, including separate files for correspondence with Donald Knuth, 1963-69, 1987
Correspondence re Floyd's comments on articles by others
Subject and class files (handouts, problems, assignments, etc.)
Text for book and/or course syllabus, 1989
Professional and administrative files, including Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, National Science Foundation, Guggenheim Fellowship, Computing Reviews
File on S.U. curriculum
Some correspondence files, mostly re research (includes some Ph.D. students)
Loose materials put into folders (correspondence, articles, notes)
Research files
Class files (handouts, problems, assignments, etc.)
Research files
Class files (handouts, problems, assignments, etc.)
Files on awards
Local maps
Photos of interior of a house, ca. 1976
Biographical files
Miscellaneous professional/administrative files
Floyd's reader reviews
Publishers' files, including W. H. Freeman
Typescript of Floyd's 'Notes on Programming in PASCAL,' 1980
'Papers' files containing typescripts, notes, and reprints largely of Floyd's work
Subject files
Large number of unlabelled files
Computer printouts: backgammon, Chiron, and others not labeled
Unlabelled files (containing mss notes, copies of articles, typescript text, some correspondence, and some class materials)
Loose material newly foldered – largely articles and reprints by others
Class notebooks (now in folders) largely containing computer printouts of material covered, problems, handouts, etc., for CS 106, CS 154, CS 260, and CS 162; and CS 260 as taught by D. Knuth
TeX test runs for 'Notes on Programming in PASCAL'
Drafts of writings, 1984-92
Auxiliary material to Pascal MS
Miscellaneous note cards
Tony Lin for RWF – computations
Exposition of sterling numbers – notes
Readings in GKP for CS 260
'Notes on Programming in Pascal,' 1980 – 2 editions plus file of notes and drafts
File on algorithms (?)
Drafts of 'Notes on Programming in Pascal'
RWF – handouts (2 folders)
Masters (course handouts ?)
Paul Magriel Poker
CS 162 Winter 1982/83 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
CS 262 Winter 1985/96 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
CS 162 1984/85 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
CS 162 Winter 1983-84 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
Floyd – diagrams
CS 358 Aut. 1985/86 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
R.W. Floyd – biography and misc. correspondence
CS 154 Spring 1981 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
Notes for Language of Machines
Evaluating RWF 1988-89
Report 1990-91 [contains only a flier on RWF talk]
GKP notes
Files (2) re account monies
Contracts / publishers
Papers in preparation
Indices – Files for 106, 254, 262, 257, BKG
'Program Verification' by Cliff Jones, 1991 – correspondence and text
Travel and phone
CS 106H – past students
Math/Comp Science – BS
CS 106H - – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
Assorted '.tex files' containing a mix of graphs and text
Files for Chapters 1 through 9 containing notes
Faculty evaluation reports [student assessments of his courses] 1982-1993 [several folders]
Pages 32-118 of textbook or course reader
Text for CS 106 book?
CS 106H handouts, Aut. 1984/85
CS 154/254 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
Manuscript notes and writings [1 folder]
CS 106 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
RWF, 'Programming and the Chiron Language,' 1971
SC106H – Class Note 1, Oct. 7, 1987; Class Note 2, Oct. 16, 1987
Notebook on CS 204, 1976-72 [now in 3 folders]
Array.tex (stratified sampling on squares and cubes), 1984
Course evaluations
RWF, 'Guide to Chiron'
Furick, Bob – correspondence and related architectural drawings 1994-95 [re software for architectural uses]
CS 105 Spring 1976 taught by Mike Clancy, Jonathan King and Terry Roberts – class materials
SC 262 – manuscript notes, etc, 1988
[Manuscript notes – unlabeled]
CS 106 – problems, answers, handouts, etc.
CS 106 handouts
Manuscript notes, unsorted [3 folders]
Computer printouts
Floyd – mail 1989 (mostly email)
Miscellaneous correspondence 1994-95
Files containing mostly manuscript notes on:
Hashing, coalesced
Hashing, linear
Hashing, other
Conditional expectations
Exam questions
Factorial moments
Normal functions #1
Normal functions #2
RB trees
Cookie/coalesced/random walks
Manuscript notes, unlabeled (probably for class lectures, exams) [2 folders]
Evidence: P vs. T for doubles
Doubling – Algebraic Theory
Reprints: Articles by Floyd and others
Floyd, 1960s
A Note on Rational Approximation (Jan 1960)
An Algorithm Defining ALGOL Assignment Statements (March 1960)
An Algorithm for Coding Efficient Arithmetic Operations (Jan 1961)
A Descriptive Language for Symbol Manipulation (Oct 1961)
A Note on Mathematical Induction on Phrase Structure Grammars (Dec 1961)
Syntactic Analysis and Operator Precedence (July 1963)
Bounded Context Syntactic Analysis (Feb 1964)
The Syntax of Programming Languages- A Survey (Aug 1964)
New Proofs of Old Theorems in Logic and Formal Linguistics (Nov 1966)
Non-Deterministic Algorithms (Nov 1966)
Nondeterministic Algorithms (Oct 1967)
Assigning Meanings to Programs (1967)
Floyd, 1970s
Linear Time Bounds for Median Computations (Aug 1971)
Bounds on the Expected Time for Median Computations (Jan 1972)
An Interpretation-Oriented Theorem Prover over Integers (Aug 1972)
Toward Interactive Design of Correct Programs (1972)
Time Bounds for Selection and Expected Time Bounds for Selection (April 1973)
Time Bounds for Selection (Aug 1973)
A Linear Time Two Tape Merge (Dec 1973)
The Letter D Song by Have Fun Teaching is a great way to learn all about the Letter D. Use this music video to teach and learn the alphabet, phonics, the Letter D Sound, Vocabulary Words with the Letter D, and Uppercase and Lowercase Letter D. D& amp d 4e pixie handbook 1.
The Algorithm SELECT- for Finding the ith Smallest of n Elements [M1] (Sept 1974)
The Exact Time Required to Perform Generalized Addition (1975)
The Paradigms of Programming (1979)
Floyd, 1980s
How Paul Magriel Almost Gave Up Backgammon (Spring 1983)
Floyd, 1990s
Addition Machines (1990)
Theory of Computation (March 1991)
Assigning Meanings to Programs (1993)
The Language of Machines- An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages (1994)
Theory of Computation (April 1995)
Theory of Computation (small version) (April 1995)
Floyd, undated
Can You Take a Double in a Symmetric Position?
Notes on Programming Language
On Ambiguity in Phrase Structure Languages
Permuting Information in Idealized Two-Level Storage
Floyd, cover page
The Language of Machines- An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages
Abel, Gibbons, Josselyn, Musselman and Russell
Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Surface Technology (U)
EI PMHN- To Rome
The Mind’s Eye: Nonverbal Thought in Technology
Hopkins, Singer and Strook
Current Developments in Mathematics, 1995
Analysis of Structured Programs
Context-free Preserving Functions
Probabilistic Automata- A Problem of Paz
Leveson and Turner
An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents
Backgammon game – problems
Blank worksheets
Backgammon correspondence
Random walks
Specific match positions
Lecture + slide
Program listings
[Backgammon miscellany]
Running theory
Backgammon problems
Notes and drafts on racing
The Killer Heuristic
Avoiding gammon
ACM folio with two certificates
Floyd and Richard Beigel, The Language of Machines; an introduction to computability and formal languages
Miscellaneous magazines
Set of slides labeled “IFIP 71”
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