Fowlers Vacola Dehydrator 4000 Manual


The essential guide to the Fowlers Vacola Ultimate Dehydrator. Includes instructions and recipes for drying fruits, vegetables, herbs & spices, flowers and jerky making. (2008) 44p colour illustrations. NOTE: A copy of this book is included with every new Ultimate Dehydrator.

I recently purchased a second hand Fowlers Vacola (Ultimate 4000 dehydrator) electric food dehydrator and am today using it for the very first time here preserving apricots and cherries. The entire drying process can take between 10 and 16 hours and it is a great use of solar electricity that would otherwise have gone to waste. Fowlers Vacola bottling method Below is a link to a Fowlers instruction manual. It container information relevant to both Fowlers electric units and older stovetop models.

5.0 from 3 reviews

7 questions from our users

Can I still buy the Fowlers facola dehydrator? Kelly
As far as I know you can. I saw an advert on the net only a few days ago. The company is based in Melbourne. Do let me know if you have difficulties. Thanks Roger Vella BonavitaThank you Roger. Kelly
Available from the online shop.
Does the Fowlers Vacola Ultimate 4000 round unit have a fan?
Yes it does: a fan in the base of the unit under the circular tray forces heated air though the trays to dry the food. The temperature of the heated air is regulated by a thermostat
Which food dehydrator is best for drying herbs as well as fruit and meats??
Hello Wendy, I use my drier mainly to dry tomatoes. Fowlers Vacola certainly has a setting for drying herbs and spices but I have never attempted to dry these as I prefer fresh herbs. Spices tend to come ready dried generally speaking. If you get in touch with the manufacturers in Melbourne I believe they have an informative booklet. Sorry I cannot be of greater assistance. Best wishes Roger Vella Boavita .
Hi, How long will it take me to dry apples in my fowlers vacola dehydrator. Thanks PB
Dear PB, I have never dried apples in the dehydrator but I am sure it can be done very effectively. I suggest you contact the manufacturers as they have a customer service division. Sorry I cannot help Best wishes Roger VBI only make apricot roll ups and they take about 48 hours.
Will the 4000 model dry nuts (as in activated nut?) This is my main purpose for purchasing a dehydrator.
Dear Julie, There is a setting for nuts and seeds on the temperature control of the dehydrator (41C.)
How many trays can put on my dehydrator and still work efficiently?
I bought a couple of trays which I added to those supplied with the machine. There was no problem. You should perhaps ask the manufacturers in Melbourne how many trays the machine will cope with.

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Fowlers Vacola Ultimate 4000 has been discontinued. See all Fowlers Vacola Food Dehydrators.

5.0 from 3 reviews

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Fowlers Vacola Dehydrator 4000 Manual Free


Efficient and long lasting

Had mine around 12 years, it is not the ultimate, very similar I think, basically updated the name. Not hot enough for Jerky they say, needs another 10 degrees. Well that's as maybe, that is all I use mine for and I do make it on a very regular basis. I have a Wife, Grandkids and Friends. It is like a will, everybody gathers when the Jerky is ready. Top Machine. I did buy another 3 trays early on.

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I have owned my dehydrator for about 3 years. I make delicious fruit roll up in it for my children. It is efficient and easy to use. Easy to clean. It is quiet. It is good that you can purchase extra trays and liners from mitre 10. It wasn't expensive.

Other Food Dehydrators

Roger Vella Bonavita

A good product

I have owned one of these units for many years. It works perfectly and as advertised. I like the way one can load individual trays and also how one can purchase more of them. A good plus is the ability to remove the bases of individual trays if the product to be dried is too large for one tray.
It is easy to use, quiet in operation, easy to clean and easy to store.

Questions & Answers

Can I still buy the Fowlers facola dehydrator? Kelly
As far as I know you can. I saw an advert on the net only a few days ago. The company is based in Melbourne. Do let me know if you have difficulties. Thanks Roger Vella BonavitaThank you Roger. Kelly
Available from the online shop.

Fowlers Vacola Dehydrator 4000 Manual Download

Does the Fowlers Vacola Ultimate 4000 round unit have a fan?
Yes it does: a fan in the base of the unit under the circular tray forces heated air though the trays to dry the food. The temperature of the heated air is regulated by a thermostat

Fowlers Vacola Ultimate Dehydrator 4000 Manual

Fowlers Vacola Ultimate 4000
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