Simple Program Budget Template


Following is a template for creating a Program Budget: it is meant to be a guideline and a working document and should be amended and added to whenever necessary. Fonts and text style should be changed in order to maintain a consistent format between the proposal and the program budget. This budget template will help you project your cash-flows and plan out expenses for the future. Similar to the program budget template, The Wallace Foundation offers a twenty-minute instructional video so users can learn the ins-and-outs of this tool. The Easy Way To Create an Excel Budget Template. If you are pressed for time or don’t want to worry about the formulas, you can start to create a simple budgeting worksheet in five minutes. Step 1: Choose a Template. There is a budget template for almost any category.

Simple personal budget. Track monthly income and expenses with this accessible personal budget template. Monthly and year-to-date totals are automatically calculated. 2017’s Best Free Budget Templates. Making use of the program’s various tools will enable you to effectively customize and analyze your budget.Excel can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The fancier you get with things, the more powerful of a tool this software will become. Program Budget Template Free Templates. Program Budget Template Banner Template. Program Budget Template Marketing Plan Template. Program Budget Template 2018 Calendar Template.


What is the Goal of a Project Budget?

Simple Non-profit Program Budget Template

One of the key elements of any project proposal is the project budget. It is a pivotal tool that will be used by several different groups involved in the project. The project manager will use this budget to determine whether the project is on track; project personnel will use it as a guideline to fulfill certain project milestones; and the client will use it to determine the success of the effort.

But the task of creating a budget for a new project may be a bit daunting- especially if the project manager has had little or no experience coordinating projects. Some expenses, such as salaries, utilities, rent, or equipment costs, may seem pretty straight forward. But there are many contingencies and unknowns that may affect how and when the project is carried out and ultimately completed.

The most important point to keep in mind is that although a project budget should be based on concrete numbers and accurate assessments of the resources needed to complete the task, the bottom line is that a budget is meant to be an estimate.

What Should You Include in Your Project Budget?

A detailed, line-item budget should be divided into categories such as salaries, fringe benefits, travel, supplies, and equipment. Make sure to also include any overhead costs (called 'indirect costs') that will be associated with the project.

Here is a brief description of some of the major expenses you will need to include:

  • Employee compensation: This section includes the salaries and wages of all full, part-time, and temporary employees involved in the project. You should also include any other benefits and incentives that may not be reflected in their take home pay.
  • Contract Services: Here you should include outsourced services or workers, such as consultants
  • Equipment/Supplies: This section covers expenses for office supplies, postage, copier supplies, telephone, fax, computer supplies, equipment repair and maintenance, laboratory consumables, etc.
  • Travel/Related Expenses: Make sure that you include any air travel, out of town expenses, conference travel expenses as well as daily parking and mileage expenses.
  • Overhead or Indirect costs: Your budge should also include overhead expenses (indirect costs), which allow the project to bear a portion of the administrative costs of the day-to-day operation.


An Example of Project Management Budget

The following is an example of the typical expenses included in a project budget. To assist you in your budgeting efforts, this sample budget can also be downloaded as a template in Excel for a year-long project. Feel free to use it and modify it where needed.



  • Salary
  • Bonus & Commissions
  • Employee Incentive
  • Employee Benefits
  • Temporary Labor

Total Salary & Benefits


  • Seminars & Training
  • Consulting Fees
  • Legal Fees
  • Other Professional Fees
  • Contracted Services
  • Recruitment
  • Advertising
  • Marketing Materials
  • Travel & Entertainment
  • Office Expense
  • Telephone
  • Computer Lease
  • Repairs & Maintenance
  • Utilities
  • Office Supplies
  • Dues & Subscriptions
  • Office Rent
  • Postage
  • General Insurance
  • Taxes & Licenses
  • Software Licenses

Total Other Expenses

Simple Program Budget Template Printable

Total Budgeted Expenses

  • Version
  • 29 KB File Size
  • August 16, 2009 Updated
  • 3 Number of comments
  • Yes Free
  • Rating
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Last year, I have been asked to help my friend calculating a budget for his event, which is a small exhibition event. He prepared the proposal, I prepared all the calculation to justify that the event is profitable. The event was success. And my friend was very pleased with the result and give me a free airplane ticket to Hongkong. And here I would like to share my Event Budget template that you can use to simulate your budget for your own events. Numbers in this template are dummy numbers, so don't use it as your budget references.

I use the numbers to give you a rough figure about expenses you will spend and income you will get from your exhibition. With this spreadsheet, you can evaluate whether your event is profitable or not.

There are four worksheets in this spreadsheet. Expenses and Income are separated. You can start by typing assumption numbers in assumption worksheet and start adding or modifying categories in each expenses and income worksheets. If you added more categories, please check the sum formula to make sure that all numbers are added in total. To check the balance between those numbers, you can go to Summary worksheet. You can expand the summary worksheet to get all the number you need for your proposal. Make sure that all item and numbers are related.

There are actual columns in those worksheets where you can put actual numbers after the events has finished.

You can download the file here.

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