Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified

Active6 months ago
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  4. Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program
  5. Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified Cannot Execute Script
  6. No Tty Present And No Askpass
  7. Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified

When attempting to run a remote binary using sudo on the remote box:

I see this error:

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

How can I work around this?

[Solved] No tty present and no askpass program specified! Sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified What is this error? How to fix it? Please let me know. Linux sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified: jeff-fafa: UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers: 8. #Defaults requiretty -sh-3.2$./check_diskErrors /dev/sda sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. Shutdown “no tty present and no askpass program specified”? Ask Question 1. I'm trying to run a shutdown script remotely on multiple Macs. The only message after that is: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. Any ideas how I can fix this? My user is definitely a super-user. Mac bash ssh shutdown. Share improve this. Sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified I understand that I can solve this by adding a NOPASSWD entry to my /etc/sudoers file which will allow user jenkins to run commands without needing a password. Open source freeware SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows. Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: [ID# 00845880] Failed to run command with sudo of VMware vSphere Our website uses cookies! By continuing to use. Sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified And a workaround on the command line line this: $ ssh -t XXXX@testvm.local 'sudo /usr/bin/id -u'.

EDIT this is most definitely not a duplicate of the question suggested as such. The answers there are completely irrelevant. In fact, those changes to the sudoers file were already applied to the remote host.

Drew Noakes
Drew NoakesDrew Noakes
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6 Answers

A simple way is to specify -t:

From the man page:

Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.

I cannot explain exactly why this works, and there may be a better way. I'd like to hear about it if so :)

@psusi explains why this works in a comment below.

Drew NoakesDrew Noakes
3,0334 gold badges31 silver badges49 bronze badges

How can I work around this?

As an alternative, try:

sudo -S ./binary

This directs sudo to read the password from the standard input, stdin.

In chroot environments, these other answers may not work correctly .. perhaps because:

  1. /etc/shadow vs /etc/passwd conflict not allowing the user to enter a password.
  2. In a chroot-ed environment, access to tty1 can be a bit glitchy, and ctrl-alt f2 -- to tty2 is unfeasible, because it is a tty of the non-chroot-ed environment.

For example: Manually installing / repairing linux or the bootloader, using a chroot environment, (such as Archlinux and arch-chroot).

elika kohenelika kohen

You need to define terminal/application that will read the password. There are two variants:

Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified Download

  1. export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass
  2. vim /etc/sudoers (Defaults visiblepw)
Zabbix agent sudo no tty present and no askpass program specified

It fails, because sudo is trying to prompt on root password and there is no pseudo-tty allocated.

You've to either log-in as root or set-up the following rules in your /etc/sudoers (or: sudo visudo):

Then make sure that your user belongs to admin group (or wheel).

kenorbZabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specifiedkenorb
5,4021 gold badge44 silver badges65 bronze badges

In my case I've received this error because I wasn't specifying a command that I would like to use as root in the sudoers

Something like


worked for me

Drew Noakes
3,0334 gold badges31 silver badges49 bronze badges

You can also create a file like 'sudo_shutdown' in /etc/sudoers.d, with content:

This allows users which are in the adm group to shutdown without a password.


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Active1 year, 6 months ago

After following this tutroial I get the following error when trying to run the commands as user or even sudo:

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

The comments from Lurdan in this article state that you need to run

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chmod doesn't work but sudo -S does, but surely there's another fix?

Chris RogersChris Rogers
1,0822 gold badges15 silver badges29 bronze badges

3 Answers

So silly, after looking further down I see a solution from Beorat:

To avoid the sudo tty issue and others, run these commands just before running do-release-upgrade:

If you've already upgraded, run the above commands, then manually downgrade to the Trusty packages:

More info here:

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Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass

Chris RogersChris Rogers
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WSL uses the lxrun executable for management from Windows:

lxrun -h

Given that, you can use lxrun /setdefaultuser root. Just thought I'd point out this side of it since it was required when I ran into the same issue as you after trying to upgrade to Xenial. I can confirm that running this command, then the wget / dpkg commands my issues were resolved.

The commands I used:

Zabbix Agent Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified

Finally, you might need to run sudo apt-get install -f in case you get The following packages have unmet dependencies [xxx] but it is not going to be installed


Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program

10.6k5 gold badges46 silver badges60 bronze badges

I got rid of the error by moving /etc/hosts to /etc/hosts.bu. After closing the shell en opening again, /etc/hosts is recreated and your computer name is added. The error is gone (for me.)

Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified Cannot Execute Script


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Zabbix Sudo No Tty Present And No Askpass Program Specified

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