What Ports Do Torrent Programs Used To Make Video


Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments.

I have represented a number of defendants in cases involving claims that they illegally downloaded a movie, video, music, or software. The following outlines the process involved in these illegal downloading cases and what to do about them if you find yourself defending claims that you illegally downloaded copyrighted material. Is my ISP blocking ports? And use a port sniffer program. Solved problems with xps 8700 and gtx 970 video card blocking the sata ports.

This guide is intended for folks who understand the basics but may have only just started to scratch the surface of what BitTorrent clients are capable of. If you're even more hardcore than the tips here, feel free to drop some knowledge (and links!) in the comments for everyone's use. Spread the love.


Throughout this guide we'll be using two of the most popular multi-platform BitTorrent clients, Vuze (formerly called Azureus) and µTorrent. Both apps take two fundamentally different approaches: Vuze packs in just about every feature you could imagine, including a search tool, social-networking-like sharing among friends, a content guide, and much more. µTorrent on the other hand is the opposite: sleek, simple and barebones. The choice is yours.

Lots of our pointers here will take advantages of some of Vuze's newest features, but we love µTorrent too. Where applicable, we'll highlight standalone applications that can help bring some of Vuze's integrated functionality to µTorrent fans.


Set up Your Router's NAT and Transfer Limits
This is, without a doubt, the single most important thing you can do to ensure the highest possible BitTorrent performance. And it's also something often overlooked by casual and even intermediate Torrenters.


BitTorrent clients pipe all of their network traffic through a single 'port' on your network. But your router likes to partially or fully block traffic that doesn't come through on all the 'standard' ports (like port 80 for web traffic, for instance). So you want to make sure your computer has a clear and open channel to all that data you're going to be sucking down by setting up 'port forwarding,' which lets your router know to which computer on the network it should send traffic on certain ports instead of blocking it. Make sense?

1. In your Torrent client's preferences under the 'network' or 'connection' heading, find out which TCP/UDP port it's using. Keep the default, but for the record, you can choose basically any number you want (but read Vuze's 'Good Port Choices' article first) and if you have multiple machines on the same network using BitTorrent you'll want to choose unique port numbers for all of them.


2. Now, open up your router's admin page. This is pulled up by going to your router's IP address in a web browser (commonly, or Sometimes you'll have to enter a username and password; Google around for your model's default name/password if you can't remember it. Users of Apple's AirPort routers should use the AirPort Utility app.

3. Now, the terminology for what you're looking for is called different things by all the router companies. Some call it 'port forwarding,' others call it 'virtual servers' or 'port mapping'—the terminology is surprisingly varied, but it's usually listed under an 'advanced settings' tab if there is one. The site Portforwarding.com can help you locate yours if you're having trouble.


Order Stata Do-file Editor. Stata’s Do-file Editor has been written to make programming tasks simpler than ever. Among the features are Syntax highlighting. Having command names, variables names, macro names, strings, operators, and other program elements in different colors allows you to spot syntax errors and bugs. Code folding. Stata for Researchers: Do Files. This is part three of the Stata for Researchers series. For a list of topics covered by this series, see the Introduction. If you're new to Stata we highly recommend reading the articles in order. You can also tell Stata to run a do file with the do command: do myDoFile. This means do files can run other do. Stata do file on mac. Toggle Bookmark: Turn on or off the bookmark on the current line. Bookmarks are a way to move quickly within the do-file. They are quite useful in long do-files or when. 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata The File menu The File menu of the Do-file Editor includes standard features found in most text editors. Nov 29, 2017  I am using Stata 15.1 for Windows. The bookmarks in the do file editor seemed to be saving appropriately several weeks ago, and now are absent after saving and re-opening a do file. I have all recent updates installed. Select from drop down menu From: Bookmarks HTML File Click on 'Choose File' and browse to the saved Columbiabookmarks.html file, select it Click Open, and close the remaining window.

4. Once you've found where this all goes down, enter the port number from your client in step 1 for BOTH UDP and TCP fields (you'll enter the same port number for the 'private' or 'local' UDP/TCP fields). You'll also enter your current machine's IP address (found in Network preferences on both OS X and Windows).

Note: If your machine is a laptop and you're frequently connecting and disconnecting from the network, you'll want to set up a static local IP address so you don't have to switch your router's settings every time you Torrent.


5. Hit save, and you should be good to go. Your BitTorrent client will have a network test built in somewhere in the preferences—use that to make sure your connection is clear.

6. Now, the final step, is setting a limit to your uploading speeds. As you know, BitTorrent simultaneously uploads to other peers while you're downloading, and to ensure solid download speeds you must upload. But you don't want these uploads to take over your limited upload bandwidth, especially if you're on a cable connection. To be safe, cap your uploads around 20 kb/s. This is a good general ballpark that'll ensure good download speeds and won't clog your pipe. If you're on FIOS you may want to kick that up a bit, but play around.


Vuze has a tool that can help you auto-configure your speeds too—probably worth experimenting with in the prefs.


Cover Your Ass
All the regular disclaimers apply: don't be an idiot when you're downloading stuff you probably shouldn't. Here are some tools and strategies to make sure you keep yourself virus- and subpoena-free. But like always, no guarantees! Proceed at your own risk! Etc.

1. Don't seed more than is absolutely necessary. The RIAA/MPAA/NARC's number one priority are heavy uploaders. Not to say that the downloading part is any less illegal, but if you stop seeding and delete your .torrent file after it's done downloading, your odds of staying safe are significantly higher.

Torrent Programs Downloads


Note: If your carefully crafted code of online morals compels you to continue uploading beyond the amount you shared during the download, feel free, knowing that it increases your odds of getting a friendly note from your ISP. And, please, do seed any files that are intentionally being distributed via BitTorrent, like a Linux distribution or Creative Commons licensed stuff from friends like Nine Inch Nails. You can't get hurt by that.

You could make an argument that Torrenting is mainstream enough to survive on many thousands of people seeding very small amounts (ie: the amount uploaded while they're downloading), or you could make an argument about the double (triple? quadruple?) paradoxes that surface when contemplating the morals of consuming vis a vis sharing in the gray to grayish-black Torrent market. But I'm not your dad—what you do is up to you.


2. Go for torrents with a lot of seeds and good comments. If hundreds of people are seeding a file, the odds of it being of good quality and virus free are higher. I know this may seem contradictory to point #1, but you're not in this for the geek cred. You're in this for you. So go with the herd. Also, comments on torrent sites will often have some shreds of useful info—if a lot of people report strange behavior with the downloaded file or a mysterious password lock, skip it.

Also, seeking out the geek legends of the Torrent community will go a long way to ensure good downloads. Choose people like aXXo's Torrents where possible.


3. Use the Bluetack IP filter to keep known baddies out of your life. The folks at Bluetack maintain a list of IP ranges of known spammers, virus seeders, and undercover snoops like Media Defender who might bust your ass. To add the list to Vuze, go to Preferences -> IP Filgers and type in the following URL into the auto-fill field: http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/level1.…

Update: Someone who should know has advised us against using Bluetack for a whole litany of reasons, most shocking of which is that Bluetack is some elaborate ploy to mess with P2P networks from the inside. Over my head, but for what it's worth, maybe don't use Bluetack.


4. Look at private torrent sites. Even though Oink's hallowed days are over, there are still a number of good, private BitTorrent sites, where your odds of getting hit with random malware or a federal subpoena are lessened. But they may take some conniving to get invited to, and you'll likely be forced to upload a certain amount to keep your membership.

5. Moderation, moderation. When you can, watch on Hulu, or heaven forbid, buy from your favorite artists. And the less massive your bandwidth usage, the less likely you are to draw the ire of your ISP (or their monthly bandwidth cap).


Autodownload Your Favorite Shows via RSS
For serialized stuff like TV shows, you can easily set up Vuze to subscribe to popular series via RSS and auto-download them every week. It's nice. µTorrent lovers should check out TED, a cross-platform standalone app that does the same thing.


1. In Vuze, search for your favorite show. Once you've found the newest episode and added it to your download list, click the orange RSS button under 'Subscribe.' The subscribe window can also look at other files in your library and subscribe to those too.

2. You'll see a lot of different options, all seemingly the same. Choose HD where possible, and if there's an EZTV option, choose that—it's a reliably source of good torrents. Then, new episodes will appear in your Subscriptions area automatically, and you can pull them down.


Stream to Your Game Console or Transcode For Your iPod/PMP/Phone with Vuze
The newest version of Vuze added a seriously useful transcoding and streaming tool—just when you thought there couldn't be anything else crammed into this app. But it's great, and works perfectly to auto-detect a PS3 or Xbox 360 on your network and stream your downloads to your TV without any annoying configurations.


Vuze (aka Azureus) Makes Torrenting Video Even Better With Easy Conversion and Streaming

Azureus (now Vuze) has always been one of the bloatier BitTorrent clients, but I've stuck with …

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1. Enable the streaming add-on under the 'Devices' option in the left pane.

2. If your PS3 or Xbox 360 is on and connected to your network, it will automatically show up as a device. Simply drag a file from your library to the icon for your console, and it will be available in the expected area (in the Video menu of the PS3's XMB and the My Video Library, as another PC, on the Xbox 360).


3. The tool will also transcode to iTunes in sizes optimized for iPods, iPhones and Apple TV using the same process. Just drag the file from your Vuze library to the iTunes icon, and after a somewhat slow conversion time, it will be copied to your iTunes library. Pretty sweet.

Next Steps
There are plenty of places you can take it from there. Like setting up a dedicated, always-on torrrent machine, either with a spare PC or a standalone NAS box with a built-in Torrent client. Then you can take advantage of web-only interfaces to access and manage your downloads from the road.


Sounds like pretty good fodder for a future how to, doesn't it? Keep your eyes peeled.

So that's about it! Like we said before, if you have more tips and tools to share, please drop some links in the comments—your feedback is hugely important to our Saturday How To guides. And if you have any topics you'd like to see covered here, please let me know. Have a good weekend Torrenting, everyone!


Image courtesy of, you guessed it, Jason Chen.

Most of us are comfortable using BitTorrent to download files, but the popular file-sharing protocol is also a great tool for sharing your own stuff with family, friends, or the world at large. Here's the basics of creating your own torrent.

Proven by the popularity of BitTorrent sites, torrents offer a well-known method of peer-to-peer file-sharing. Torrents are useful for sharing large files with family and friends, as well as with a wide audience. It has been estimated BitTorrent traffic may account for over 40 percent of all internet traffic.


Note: Despite common misconceptions to the contrary, BitTorrent can be and often is used to share files legally and isn't just used for piracy.

How BitTorrent Works

We've walked you through the basics of downloading via BitTorrent in our beginner's guide, and offered advanced tips for scheduling your downloads and keeping them snappy in our intermediate guide, but here's a quick historical overview of the protocol.


A beginner's guide to BitTorrent

Click to viewDespite the fact that BitTorrent has been around for a good 6 years now, the lightning …

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Developer Bram Cohen designed and released BitTorrent back in July 2001. Back then, there was only one torrent application—the so aptly named BitTorrent. What made BitTorrent different from previous peer-to-peer sharing programs was that it utilized bandwidth more efficiently while discouraging leeching. (In layman's terms, 'leeching' is when one user downloads a file, but does not allow uploads, therefore limiting other users from downloading the file. A leecher takes more than what he gives.)


What basically happens when you open up a torrent in a BitTorrent client is that the program automatically finds other users who have a portion of or the whole file you want to download. It accomplishes this task by using trackers. Your BitTorrent client will then download multiple and different pieces of the same file from different users at the same time while also sharing any pieces they've already downloaded, greatly improving the overall speed of distribution.

For more torrent jargon, people who share the whole file are known as 'seeders.' It's optimal to pick a torrent that has at least one seeder sharing, or you risk your download never being finished. It is for this reason that hugely popular files are often quicker to download than more obscure ones.


What You Need To Get Started

To create your own torrent, you'll need a basic torrent client to get started off on the right path. Windows is primarily dominated by torrent program uTorrent, while Mac users will find that Transmission may be more up their alley. (uTorrent is available for Mac, but it's not as full-featured.) Linux users may want to try Azureus or KTorrent. If you're still not sure about which application to use, check out the five best BitTorrent tools according to Lifehacker readers.


Five Best BitTorrent Applications

Click to viewThe days of peer-to-peer file sharing tools ushered into popularity by the original…

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How To Create Your Own Torrent


In general, creating a torrent to share your own files is very simple. All you need is a good torrent program to get you started on sharing your personal files. In your favorite torrent program, go to the File menu and click the option to create a new torrent. Then you'll need to select the source/files that you want to share in your torrent. It can be a single file, or even a directory. After this step, you'll need to input some public or private trackers into your torrent. It's possible to use more than one, but in general one is enough.

Here's a list of some uTorrent public trackers, courtesy of TorrentFreak:




After that's done, you'll need to specify whether your torrent is a private torrent or not (if you're using a private tracker, you'll need to. If you aren't, you can most likely leave this part alone). Then all that's left to be done is to save the torrent file and send it to your friends or whoever else you want to share it with. TorrentFreak has a specific step-by-step guide for some of the most popular BitTorrent programs out there, but the concept is basically the same for all clients.


Tips and Tricks of Torrenting

We've covered sly and clever tricks using torrents in the past, so if you're interested in remote controlling your torrent downloads, setting up a season pass to automatically download your favorite TV shows, and other tricks up that alley, check it out.


Top 10 BitTorrent Tools and Tricks

Fast Torrent Programs

Click to viewBitTorrent is the go-to resource for downloading everything from music and movies to…

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There's obviously a lot more to BitTorrent—check out our beginner and intermediate guides if you're brand new to BitTorrent. We'd love to hear any additional tips for how you make the most of BitTorrent, so sound off in the comments.


A Beginner's Guide to BitTorrent

From your geeky roommates who eat up your internet connection at all hours of the night to your…

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