Build A Cantenna Wifi

Aim at source and adjust to get the best signal. This should be much stronger than the whip antenna you had before. To improve the signal even more - much more - cut a 2 foot (0.6 m) wide by 1 foot (0.3 m) high sheet of concrete lathing screen with 14 inch (0.6 cm) or smaller holes and curve it slightly to form a parabolic dish, similar to a TV satellite dish. Instead of pointing the can at the signal source, point it at your screen which points at the signal so the back of the can points at the signal. It takes a bit of adjusting to get the curve of the screen and distance to the can exactly right. You can find formulas for calculating the exact focal point or use trial and error since you will see your signal gain double or even triple when you get the curve and distance just right. You can then make a wooden or aluminum frame to hold everything together in the right position. You can also use a real satellite dish and place the cantenna at the end of the arm at the position the TV antennas (the horn) usually go.

Cantenna Wifi Antenna

Douwload ebook herry potter jar. A cantenna is a home-made antenna built from commonly found, empty tin cans. Why would your network need a cantenna, rather than an (inbuilt) antenna? Dec 31, 2008  Just a vid of how to assemble a cantenna to increase the range of your wifi adapter. You can purchase everything in a 'cantenna kit' on ebay for around 25 bucks, minus the tin.

Build A Wifi Cantenna

Homemade cantenna

How To Build A Cantenna Tin Can Waveguide

Creating the Cantenna (Step-by-step) Dimensions for the Can. The size of the can will make a difference on the quality of the signal. I will be using numbers from the How the Cantenna Works section above to calculate the dimensions. How To Build A Tin Can Waveguide WiFi Antenna for 802.11(b or g) Wireless Networksor other 2.4GHz Applications ~ by Gregory Rehm. Got no dough for a commercial WiFi antenna? Looking for an inexpensive way to increase the range of your wireless network? A tin can waveguide antenna, or Cantenna, may be just the ticket.

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